Romolo Martemucci Romolo Martemucci was Professor of Architecture at the Penn State University and Director of their Sede di Roma from 1990-2009 as well as the interim department head of Architecture at Penn State University from 1995-1997. Prior to becoming the co-founder and Director of the Pantheon Institute, he was also the creator of the La Magia Institute in Rome that offered special courses in architecture and landscape architecture, and co-founder and Director of the Accademia Adrianea, which currently offers a unique Italian-accredited Masters degree in Museography, Architecture and Archaeology.

Professor Martemucci has presented numerous papers, and his articles have been published in Urban Design Magazine and in the Association of Collegiate Schools of Archtecture publications. He has lectured and/or taught at University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, University of Minnesota, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Pratt Institute, Iowa State, Ohio State, Notre Dame University, and North Dakota State Universities along with University of Puerto Rico, Università “La Sapienza” and “Roma Tre” in Rome, and the University of Monterrey, in Monterrey, Mexico.

Mr. Martemucci has professional interests in urban design, institutional architecture, and the architecture of the public realm. Teaching since 1977, his academic and research interests include architectural theory, representation and meaning in architecture, urban design, materials and materiality, the human body as paradigm, Renaissance planning and town design, the work of Biagio Rossetti and the city of Ferrara, Italy.

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